Symposium AI for Operations Management – 12 May
On Friday 12 May 2023, Beta and TKI Dinalog organize the symposium ‘AI for Operations Management’ at the Spoorwegmuseum in Utrecht. The symposium features insights and results from recent projects on machine learning at companies. Various topics are addressed, such as machine learning to support decisions on which customers to serve today or tomorrow, the role of humans in increasingly automated businesses, deep reinforcement learning for supply chain management, and how to make the next steps towards deriving value from AI in your company.
This symposium is aimed at industry and the Beta community and will offer an interesting program for both Beta members and industrial partners. Ongoing work will be presented in which universities and industry collaborate and use AI to support and improve OM.
The program consists of interesting plenary talks, poster pitches and poster session, presentations of several projects in parallel sessions, and ends with a drink.
The full program is available here.

Register for symposium AI for OM
Registration for this event is now closed. In case of questions, please contact the Beta office: