24-06-201710-07-2017 Managing urgent care in hospitalsDissertations Number: D-208 Year: 2017Author: N.J. Borgman
23-05-201714-08-2017 Consolidation and Coordination in Urban Freight TransportDissertations Number: D-207 Year: 2017Author: W.J.A. van Heeswijk
22-03-201714-03-2017 Multimodal transportation for perishable productsDissertations Number: D-206 Year: 2017Author: M. SteadieSeifi
21-03-201723-05-2017 Asymptotic dimensioning of stochastic service systemsDissertations Number: D-205 Year: 2017Author: B.W.J. Mathijsen
14-03-201715-06-2017 Multi-objective optimization for eco-efficient food supply chainsDissertations Number: D-209 Year: 2017Author: A. Banasik Summary
26-01-201730-01-2017 Challenges for innovation intermediaries in technology transfer : forming controls and alliancesDissertations Number: D-204 Year: 2017Author: W.F. Meulman
24-01-201730-01-2017 Risk Management at the Interface of Operations and FinanceDissertations Number: D-203 Year: 2017Author: T. Soltani
19-01-201723-01-2017 Optimizing pre-timed control at isolated intersectionsDissertations Number: D-201 Year: 2017Author: Fleuren, S.T.G.
12-12-201623-01-2017 Integrated Operational and Financial Decision MakingDissertations Number: D-202 Year: 2016Author: Korte, H. de
10-11-201610-11-2016 The pickup and delivery problem with time windows and scheduled lines : models and algorithmsDissertations Number: D199 Year: 2016Author: Ghilas, V.
10-11-201610-11-2016 Information governance in service-oriented business networkingDissertations Number: D198 Year: 2016Author: Rasouli, M.
10-11-201610-11-2016 Efficient healthcare logistics with a human touchDissertations Number: D197 Year: 2016Author: Vrugt, N.M. van de
10-11-201610-11-2016 Rethinking care processes : does anybody have an idea?Dissertations Number: D196 Year: 2016Author: Vanwersch, R.J.B.
10-11-201610-11-2016 Optimization of people and freight transportation : pickup and delivery problem variantsDissertations Number: D195 Year: 2016Author: Li, B.
10-11-201610-11-2016 Sustainable city logistics : fleet planning, routing and scheduling problemsDissertations Number: D194 Year: 2015Author: Franceschetti, A.